Privacy Policy
1:HKUCO is an independent brand
HKUCO is not associated with Arnette, Costa Sunglasses, Electric, Maui
Jim, Oakley, Ray-Ban, Revo, Rudy Project, Smith Optics, Spy Optic,
VonZipper, or Wiley X, and these companies do not endorse, sponsor,
support or associate with HKUCO products. Any usage of the firms
above-mentioned and/or associated trademarks is only to describe the
products bearing those marks
reserve the right to issue full refund if we run out of the items. All
items are being described to the best of our abilities, as accurate as
possible, and with utmost conscientiousness on our part. However, to
avoid any potential oversights, we respectfully request your assistance
in helping us to make this a mutually satisfactory transaction by
THOROUGHLY reviewing the item description and photos, and asking all
questions PRIOR to bidding. The item is sold on an "as is" basis, please
asking all questions before biding to avoid getting an item you are not
satisfied with.
4:Our warranty only covers the items you bought from us, and we don't cover any damages to your original items Products.
information you provide on these HKUCO.COM will not be disclosed to any
third party without your complete consent, although the staff cannot be
held liably for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised.
website follows the UK laws